Singapore’s education ministry terminates contract with Mobile Guardian after cybersecurity breaches


The event in August came after a significant data leak in April, which exposed the personal information of 127 institutions. &nbsp,

When parliament meets starting on Monday ( Sep 9 ), the Mobile Guardian breach will be one of the topics brought up. Eight Members filed numerous questions requesting improvements on investigations. &nbsp,

For instance, MP Patrick Tay ( PAP-Pioneer ) asked MOE for details on what it is doing to help students who have had their study notes wiped out.

MP Lim Wee Kiak ( PAP-Sembawang ) &nbsp, asked if “targeted support” is being offered to affected students experiencing distress, particularly those with existing mental health conditions. &nbsp,

Mr Sheena Kasturi, whose son in Secondary 1 used Mobile Guardian regularly as part of his class syllabus, said: &nbsp,” When the matter came on, the iPad was absolutely not useful in class so he could n’t logs in. He could n’t get anything done on his iPad”, she said.

With help from the university’s This office, the teenager&nbsp, managed to save the information he had written onto a finger travel.

While the college briefly did away with learning via a system, it later provided&nbsp, Ms Sheena’s child with&nbsp, an ipads that did not have the app installed, she said.

There were no problems in the education, she noted. &nbsp,

” The school did follow up with the parents… reminding us that this incident has happened, ( and that ) the Mobile Guardian will be removed’ so please monitor your child’s screen time, the activities, the websites that they are visiting ‘”, she said. &nbsp,

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Under the condition of anonymity, a teacher from the damaged class reported to CNA that some students found their products wiped. &nbsp,

The professor claimed that the institution is not looking to find a Mobile Guardian alternative. CNA is aware that some kids are regularly backing up their information using third-party applications like Goodnotes. &nbsp,

According to experts, government authorities probably conducted the necessary due diligence before choosing to work with Mobile Guardian. &nbsp,

Ms Sheena said she believes that&nbsp, MOE may get a more secure and reliable choice for students. But, she added that families have a part to play in monitoring their son’s system use.