Therefore, according to Mr. Lee, racism is essential across all levels of society because we are a multicultural and multicultural society.
Mr. Lee reaffirmed that the state will continue to work in the right direction, despite the fact that this is less prevalent in Singapore than in the majority of other nations.
” To make ( racism ) completely disappear, I think, would be very difficult. I think that we will strengthen, we will do more… to push this in the right direction.  ,
” For instance, the policy we are working on is against work prejudice. I think it would make a change. Unfortunately, I do not think that you can fully make this disappear. ”  ,
He was referring to , a proposed , laws against work prejudice later this month, which has yet to be introduced in congress.  , The proposed legislation seeks to prevent workplace discrimination based on a set of features, including age, race, sex, and marital position.  ,
Instead of striving to eliminate prejudice, Mr Lee said leaders must take a position when things” absurd”  , happens that fires public outcry, adding that for events , do happen from time to time.
He added, however, that leaders may make their decisions about the situation before doing so. A harsh approach could be seen as an reaction over, for instance, a” dumb “post on social media, he said.  ,
You ca n’t expect the best response from everyone, he said,” Sometimes, when there is a small incident and you overreact, and everyone gets hyped up overnight because ( someone made a ) foolish post.”
Mr. Lee described it as the most challenging task because it involves balancing wanting social cohesion among Singaporeans with being open to bringing in international skill, and making people feel comfortable rather than feeling threatened or having cultural tensions grow.
When asked how trusting the Malay-Muslim community and the PAP’s fourth-generation ( 4G ) leadership team are in addressing pressing community issues, Mr. Lee responded,” I think both sides are working at it. ”  ,
Mr Lee noted how , DPM Wong recently attended buka puasa ( breaking of fast ) sessions during Hari Raya Puasa,  , and also met religious leaders, Malay MPs, and activists in the PAP during the Ramadan period recently.
All of this will be a part of the effort to develop that relationship, which may require mutual trust and confidence, understanding one another, your position, your options, your options, and your requests, but the government is likely to be unable to do so.  ,
And it will take some time to develop, but I’m certain they will succeed.
This content was first published in Now.