Male model arrested in forex scam

Buyers lured by beautiful online account lost at least B10 million, say officers

Male model arrested in forex scam
Suraphit Pakahan, 30, is being taken into custody after a Thursday raid at his Thon Buri apartment, where he is accused of extorting people for more than 10 million rmb. ( Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham )

A wealthy Bangkok apartment has been detained by a female model who is accused of creating an attractive social media profile to entice foreign exchange traders to make money off of them.

Suraphit Pakahan, 30, was wanted on a police officer’s arrest warrant for a cheque-related offence, according to Metropolitan Police Bureau ( MPB) investigative officer Pol Maj Gen Theeradet Thumsuthee, an officer in charge of investigations.

He still had 16 arrest warrants for allegedly he had 16 remarkable for cheque fraud and other crimes, according to a criminal record check.

Many people complained to the officers via the IDMB Facebook page, and on Thursday, the Thon Buri property was made. They said the suspect, who was a famous design, had persuaded them into investing in a financial trading system.

The complainants claimed he had years of experience in international investing and that he had created a stylish report that showed him attending seminars and training at different locations.

Yet, he did not use the plaintiffs ‘ money to invest in international currency as claimed, said authorities. More than 10 million baht in damages were caused by those who suffered, according to Pol Maj Gen Theeradet, who was unable to obtain their money back.

The think left Turkey on November 30, 2022, and headed for Istanbul, Turkey. No traveling records indicated that he had returned to Thailand after that.

However, a suspect recently shared a story with the desired man who was staying in a high-end condo in Thon Buri. Before attempting to break into the property room on Thursday, officials carefully monitored his behavior, according to Pol Maj Gen Theeradet.

Mr. Suraphit testified to the authorities that he had been in the entertainment industry since he was 19 years old during questioning. Before starting a business offering services involving website applications, online games, and other media, he was a model. Before bringing in friends to handle those tasks, he presided over the control of this business and received payment from customers.

He eventually experienced economic difficulties after making stock trading investments and using the money to finance his lavish lifestyle.

He claimed to have left the country in 2022 to enroll in a one-year English language program in the UK. He afterward returned to Thailand after becoming restless. Nevertheless, he grew worried after learning there were jail warrants out against him, he told police.

A middle-aged Malaysian woman in England, according to the think, offered to assist him in getting back home via Malaysia without going through immigration screenings.

At the Don Mueang Kwaeng Court, the arresting group filed a legal action against him.