Privilege card loophole lets criminals in front door

Privilege card loophole lets criminals in front door
CIB captain Pol Lt Gen Jirabhop Bhuridej. ( POLICE PHOTO )

The Central Investigation Bureau ( CIB ) continues to investigate foreign nationals who are residing in the country on expensive visas and running a suspect business.

After the CIB learned that a Chinese think lived in Thailand and laundered a lot of money for call center fraud groups, the problem was exposed.

In an appointment with the Bangkok Post, Central Investigation Bureau Commissioner Pol Lt. Gen. Jirabhop Bhuridej stated that” Chen Yon Lai is a significant number who launders funds for illegal con groups in the region.”

On April 28, Mr. Chen, 52, was detained at his home in the eastern state of Chachoengsao, Thailand, at the same time as authorities detained a part of his group, only identified as Anan, 44, at his residence.

During the assault, authorities seized 11 million baht in cash, two servers, seven mobile phones, eight bank accounts books, 13 money cards, five cars and other assets worth about 42 million ringgit in full.

About 70 billion baht worth of online cards were discovered by authorities in Mr. Chen’s control.

Following an expanded analysis that saw the arrest of five call center crew members last year, the suspects were detained.

To mislead people of their funds, the group set up a false site on the CIB Facebook page.

Mr. Chen and Anan were two of the many individuals who were involved in the police investigation, which included them.

They were in charge of converting digital assets into cash and handling online cards used for illegal purchases.

Following that, authorities searched eight facilities to capture the two offenders: four in Bangkok, two in Samut Prakan, two more in Chachoengsao, and one in Nakhon Ratchasima.

Five more individuals with ties to the two accused were even questioned by the police.

Mr. Chen and Mr. Anan were accused of colluding with the government, international crime, entering phony information into a computer, and money laundering. They denied all expenses.

The authorities discovered evidence that Mr. Chen was using an application to manage numerous electronic wallets for a Thai call center gang after looking through the mobile phones that were taken from him.

Because he had to convert the digital money into cash, Mr. Chen was a vital member of the gang, according to Pol Lt. Gen. Jirabhop.

Mr. Chen claimed to have hired a Thai candidate to purchase a luxury home in exchange for the sale of several properties, including the two-story home he was detained in, area plots, cars, jewelry, and other priceless items.

Additionally, because Mr. Chen was a part of the Thailand Privilege Card program, which was formerly known as the Thailand Elite cards, the officers discovered that he had a five-year visa.

We are focusing on crooks who travel to Thailand on Privilege Card permits. According to Pol Lt. Gen. Jirabhop, offenders have been known to provide Thailand by using this type of card to facilitate their entry and exit.

He claimed that the Tourism Authority of Thailand ( TAT ) is in charge of producing the Thailand Elite card.

If the cards are not on the list, they can only be checked by immigration officials, who can only confirm their validity.

These criminals must take immediate action to prevent them from violating the opportunity, according to the statement. One way to share data among several parties is to share it.

” Before being ready for the pleasure cards, a background search on one’s financial resources should also be required, “he said.

On the day of Mr Chen’s arrest, police also found his Chinese wife and his three kids, who have Thai citizenship.

Because Mr. Chen made his wife’s relationship to a Thai person legally and gave the babies Thai nationality, the police claimed his children are now Thai.

When asked why Mr. Chen used Thailand as a staging area for cash fraud, Pol Lt. Gen. Jirabhop responded that it was because it had facilities like hospitals and international colleges to enable foreigners sit comfortably.

He continued,” Doing business here is easy.”

Our program makes it simple for anyone to conduct business, which opens up the door for criminals to employ Thailand as a haven for money laundering, he said.

He claimed that Mr. Chen used a non-custodial bag to exchange and convert digital currency to dollars and yuan.

He was able to quickly transfer money from the non-custodial wallet to another animal accounts run by the Thai call center gang.

Police did conduct additional inquiries to get more gang members.

We think there are still many members of the gang lying in both China and Cambodia, he said.

The CIB runs the Anti-Online Scam Operation Centre ( AOC), a one-stop service center for technology-related crimes, including online scams and fraud, in addition to apprehending offenders.

Through website. AOC, users can submit their problems. thaipoliceonline. move. t or via its 1441 line services.

He claimed that the AOC uses a mix of hostile and defensive tactics, including blocking illegal websites or websites from being accessed fraudulently, as well as tracking down illicit financial transactions.

The AOC has tracked down and detained numerous call center group community members and blocked more than 5, 000 web URLs since its establishment in November of last year.

However, some still fall victim to the tricks of call center fraud gangs.

The AOC collaborates with Thai bankers to track controversial bank accounts and stop questionable monetary transactions to prevent further damage.

He claimed that the partnership has prevented numerous loss in real time.

When with police hot on their neck, call center swindlers modified their approach by using crypto.

He added that the CIB is currently developing strategies to prevent similar events from occurring in the future by working with lenders, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and digital resource business owners.