Phishing exercise to strengthen cyber resilience part of nationwide Total Defence campaign

SINGAPORE: Starting from Saturday ( Feb 15 ), more than 200 large companies and small and medium enterprises ( SMEs ) will participate in a phishing exercise for two weeks.

This phishing exercise, a first-time partnership between the Ministry of Defence ( MINDEF ) and the Singapore Business Federation ( SBF), &nbsp, is part of this year’s Exercise SG Ready.

In response to potential cyberattacks and other problems, it advises businesses to” develop their cyber endurance and to evaluate their business continuity plans,” MINDEF said on Saturday. &nbsp,

The exercise&nbsp, may involve organizations from various fields including manufacturing, wholesale and retail business, and building, it added.

Exercise SG Ready, a global Total Defence training, was launched last year in line with the 40th celebration of Singapore’s regional military strategy.

Overall defence in Singapore encompasses the military, legal, economic, social and psychological realms, with the newest, seventh pillar of electronic military added in 2019.

According to MINDEF, the goal of Exercise SG Ready is to get people, areas, and companies to consider whether they are prepared for problems and to implement plans for disruptions in response to them, according to a news release. &nbsp,

This year’s exercise is co-led by MINDEF and the Energy Market Authority ( EMA ), with an emphasis on improving Singaporeans ‘ readiness for power outages.

More than 1, 000 organizations, including schools, communities, companies, and government agencies, will carry out various disturbance or preparedness activities over the course of two weeks. This is more than the 800 organizations that took part next month.

At the memorial celebration held at the SBF Center on Saturday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong kicked off the next version of Exercise SG Ready. &nbsp,

Mr. Gan stated in his speech that Singapore must be on top of the threat landscapes both within the community and in the online world, and put in place strong measures to safeguard data, devices, and systems online. &nbsp,

Businesses must also keep fighting economic force while also creating new business opportunities in the area, he said.

People in Singapore has even “make the work” to enhance their social network with those of other ethnicities, religions and countries, Mr Gan added. &nbsp,