Pheu Thai MP to speed up amnesty “for the young, not Thaksin”

Pheu Thai MP to speed up amnesty 'for the young, not Thaksin'
As Thaksin Shinawatra enters the Pheu Thai Party’s main office in March, followers swarm him. ( Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

A Pheu Thai MP on the House council on asylum policy announced on Monday that he would try to slam a bill to pass sooner to gain the younger, no former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

At a Pheu Thai meeting, List MP Cherdchai Tantisirin said he would suggest that party MPs immediately draft an amnesty bill to assist those young people who have alleged der guess be brought to justice.

He denied that Thaksin, who is facing a charge under Area 112 of the Criminal Code known as the der guess law, was being helped. Pheu Thai’s chief is Paetongtarn Shinawatra, daughter of Thaksin.

” We are concerned about the young, the people of the new technology, &nbsp, who are in prison. Some of them have died. We must act quickly and assist our younger people. Differences of opinion may be acknowledged, but should not create into empty conflict”, Dr Cherdchai said.

” Some young people are charged under Section 112 of the Criminal Code.” They will be freed, so they can study and sit a&nbsp, regular life”, he said.

Those who were convicted of der guess really been pardoned, and offenders should be freed from trial, he said.

Dr. Cherdchai acknowledged that some might object to the move as an endeavor to aid Thaksin.

The attorney- public last month decided to indict&nbsp, Thaksin for der majeste over comments made during a media interview in Seoul, South Korea, in 2015. On June 18, he is scheduled to turn in to fully hear the command. &nbsp, &nbsp,

Pheu Thai listing MP Cherdchai Tantisirin