‘Killer robots’ will be nothing like in the movies

You might suppose Hollywood is good at predicting the future. Indeed, Robert Wallace, head of the CIA’s Office of Technical Service and the US equivalent of MI6’s fictional Q, has recounted how Russian spies would watch the latest Bond movie to see what technologies might be coming their way. Hollywood’s continuing obsession with killer robots […]Continue Reading

Time to take Kim Jong Un’s nuclear threats seriously

As the West frets over the possibility of Vladimir Putin turning to nuclear weapons in Ukraine, there is a risk that similar threats posed by another pariah leader are not being treated as seriously – those of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. The isolationist East Asian nation has conducted seven nuclear-capable missile blasts over the […]Continue Reading

Xi must walk his talk of reform and transformation  

General Secretary Xi Jinping had a good first term in office capped by a splendid 19th Party Congress in October 2017. At that congress, Xi was declared the “core” of the party’s all-important Central Committee, his “thought” (Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era) enshrined in the Constitution, his term […]Continue Reading