Taiwan’s ‘new normal’ of volatility and deterrence

Volatility is perhaps the best word to describe Taiwan’s 2022. Though initial economic forecasts expected Taiwan to continue its strong growth from 2021, Taiwan’s actual annual GDP growth rate — 2.43% — was nearly half of 2022’s projected 4.42%. Actual growth in the fourth quarter contracted 0.86%, a rare 5% departure from the original forecast of a […]Continue Reading

Former chairman of China Zheshang Bank under investigation

BEIJING: Former chairman of China Zheshang Bank is under investigation for suspected violations of law and discipline, an anti-graft watchdog in the eastern province of Zhejiang said on Monday (Feb 6). Shen Renkang, also former party chief of the joint-stock commercial bank based in Zhejiang, was removed from his managementContinue Reading

China warns of more extreme weather in 2023

China’s regions have been warned to prepare for more extreme weather this year after record-breaking temperatures and a lengthy drought played havoc with the country’s power supplies and disrupted harvests last summer. China’s southern regions need to brace for more persistent high temperatures and ensure that energy supplies are availableContinue Reading

China building new satellite station in Antarctica

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) had been selected to build a new ground station in Antarctica to serve China’s National Satellite Ocean Application Service (NSOAS). Such news, reported on February 2, might have ordinarily set off alarm bells in Washington, but the Americans were too busy watching the large Chinese spy balloon drift […]Continue Reading