On the front lines with the Free Burma Rangers

Renowned photojournalist Thierry Falise recently returned from a month in Myanmar’s Kayah state, a front line in the nation’s raging civil war. This is the second article of a two-part series. Read part 1 here. KAYAH, Myanmar – Thoo Rey’s body lies under a foil blanket in a field hospital. The 24-year-old Karenni man’s open […]Continue Reading

Alrajhi Bank Malaysia’s Digital Bank, Rize, Goes All-In On AWS

Plans to migrate key IT infrastructure to AWS by 2026.
Will be built using AWS microservices for agility and expandability.  
Amazon Web Services (AWS), an Amazon.com company, announced today that Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corporation (Malaysia)’s digital bank, Rize, is going all-in on AWS.
Alrajhi Bank Malaysia, a subsidiary of Al Rajhi…Continue Reading

Pentagon fake news about Chinese fast breeder reactors

The US Department of Defense and numerous private commentators allege that Russian-Chinese cooperation on fast breeder reactors will provide plutonium for large numbers of Chinese nuclear weapons. Assistant Secretary of Defense John Plumb told Congressional hearings on March 8: “It’s very troubling to see Russia and China cooperating on this. They may have talking points […]Continue Reading