China commits to investing nearly US billion in Malaysia: PM Anwar

KUALA LUMPUR: China will invest an estimated RM170.07 billion (US$38.64 billion) in Malaysia, including in the petrochemical and automotive industries, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said on Tuesday (Apr 4). Rongsheng Petrochemical will invest an estimated RM80 billion in a petrochemical refinery in southern Malaysia, Anwar said in parliament. Automaker GeelyContinue Reading

China roars as Philippines opens wider to US forces

After months of anticipation, the Philippines has officially announced the exact location of four additional military bases that will be opened to American troops under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). Signed in 2014, the EDCA initially identified five bases, namely Lumbia Air Base in Cagayan de Oro City, Mactan-Benito Ebuen Air Base in Cebu, […]Continue Reading

China warns Philippine-US base deal ‘endangering regional peace’

BEIJING: China warned on Tuesday (Apr 4) that Washington was “endangering regional peace and stability” with a new deal expanding American troops’ access to bases in the Philippines. “Out of self-interest, the US maintains a zero-sum mentality and continues to strengthen its military deployment in the region,” foreign ministry spokeswomanContinue Reading