EU to sanction home appliance exports to Russia

Since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict in February 2022, the European Union has ratified 10 sanctions packages designed to undermine Russia’s capacity to wage war in Ukraine. Now, kitchen appliances are in the EU’s crosshairs.  British newspaper The Telegraph, claiming to have seen a confidential EU report, says Brussels is considering imposing trade restrictions “on […]Continue Reading

Bakhmut quagmire working to Russia’s advantage

The Battle for Bakhmut raging in eastern Ukraine has captured the attention of the outside world. Despite facing overwhelming odds, Ukrainian forces have held out and inflicted severe casualties on Russian armed forces. Their resilience has also given them time to reorganize their forces and prepare for an expected spring offensive. The problem for Ukraine, […]Continue Reading

Don’t let US-Chinese rivalry haunt tracing of Covid-19 origin

Although the global Covid-19 pandemic has not completely ended, the post-Covid era is coming. Life in Singapore where I reside has long gone back to normal, and I have traveled back to China twice this year for business trips. There is hardly any trace of the pandemic, and people are just working and living as […]Continue Reading

Squeezed between West and Russia, India holds fast on neutrality

The arrival of Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister in New Delhi this week is, depending on whom you ask, either the routine meeting of a government official (according to the Indian side) or a chance to send a strong message to Russia’s president (according to the Ukrainian side). In fact it is neither. For the first […]Continue Reading