Australian museum to return stolen Cambodian artefacts

Cambodian ambassador, Cheunboran Chanborey, gallery director Nick Mitzevich and MP Susan TemplemanAustralian National Gallery

Three bronze sculptures from the 9th and 10th centuries may be returned to Cambodia by Australia’s national gallery after they were discovered to have been stolen.

It comes after a ten-year research by the two nations to ascertain the source of the plays.

The historical action was praised by Cambodia’s government as” an essential step towards rectifying earlier injustices.”

A global effort to return stolen social items is underway at the same time.

The Champa Kingdom, which previously ruled Vietnam and some of Cambodia, is where the three paintings originated.

The Australian National Gallery (NGA) says it purchased the sculptures in 2011 for A$2.3m (£1.18m; $1.5m) from British artefacts smuggler Douglas Latchford – who died in 2020.

According to the NGA, Mr. Latchford has been charged with the alleged prostitution of stolen and looted Thai artifacts since 2016, and charges were brought against him in 2019.

The three figures, which are now part of Mr. Latchford’s set, were discovered in a niche in Tboung Khmum, east of Cambodia, in 1994. They were then smuggled to foreign art dealers in Thailand.

Nawapan Kriangsak, the daughter of Mr. Latchford, assisted in the transfer of the merchandise along with researchers from the NGA and the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts in Cambodia.

While Cambodia prepares a new house for them in Phnom Penh, the works will be on display at the NGA in Canberra for three years.

At a transfer service on Friday, Susan Templeman, Australia’s Special Envoy for the Arts, said,” It is an opportunity to put straight an historical wrong but also to improve our relationships and deepen our understanding.”

Hundreds of antiquities, including some that it claims are housed in the Victoria and Albert and British Museums, have been taken from Cambodia’s ancient temples. Cambodia has continued to appeal to global institutions for their assistance.

The NGA has removed stolen artwork from its set twice in recent times.

A number of artifacts that were connected to the alleged treasures criminal Subhash Kapoor and the later New York art dealer William Wolff were brought back to India by the gallery in 2021, some of which date from the 11th century.

Worldwide, efforts are still being made to return culturally significant artifacts to their rightful owners.

Four Indian spears taken by English adventurer Captain James Cook and his getting party in 1770 were scheduled to be returned to their rightful owners, it was announced in March.

The weapons were kept at Cambridge University, and a 20-year plan by First Nations communities led to their profit.

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Structural drugs have a few different effects on the immune system. In the same way that dexamethasone and cyclosporine do to prevent infection, they may suppress the immune system. Alternately, they had regulate skin cell turnover level similarly to how acitretin functions. According to Dr. Colin Theng, president of PAS and dermatologist at The Skin Specialists & amp, Laser Clinic, these three oral medications are frequently prescribed in Singapore.

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Returning elephants to the wild

Returning elephants to the wild
At Chang Chill in Chiang Mai, elephants are fed through steel pipes to avoid close contact with humans. ( World Animal Protection Photos )

Animals have long been revered in Thailand’s culture and classic beliefs, and they have come to represent the nation. They have made significant contributions to the nation by using their strength and intelligence for a variety of tasks, such as war, transportation, and supporting large labor.

Elephants were generally used as beasts of burden to transport heavy timber out of the forest, primarily because of their remarkable capacity to move through dense jungles where perhaps modern machinery was constrained.

But, the government outlawed checking in 1989 in response to worries about deforestation. As elephants were introduced as entertainers to the hospitality and leisure industry, this move signaled a significant change for them.

The World Animal Protection ( WAP ) organization estimates that there are 4, 000 elephants in captivity in Thailand’s conventional and commercialized elephant camps as of 2021, and that number is rising as a result of breeding.

to remain considerate of elephants

According to the WAP, the majority of elephant kept in captivity in the tents are used for pleasure and subjected to mental and physical abuse. The jumbos have little contact with their herd, little room, and inadequate diet because they live in subpar happiness conditions.

They were created to live in a social society, just like individuals. They also have their own community. Hatai Limprayoonyong, a campaign manager for animals at the WAP in Thailand, said that in order to bring one elephant to teach in the camps, they must be separated from their cattle.

Some elephant tents struggle financially, which results in a lack of quality care. She told the Bangkok Post that the typical remedy for the lack of visitors is to gain rented elephants to their native owners and bring them back when tourists return.

Elephants are treated like commodities by the entire pattern, but in reality, they are a part of the wildlife, said Ms. Hatai, emphasizing the need to address elephants with respect rather than for our amusement.

The organization promotes moving to facilities that are more accommodating to elephants. Animals are to remain in their natural condition without engaging in activities like riding and bathing, as these can be dangerous to tourists and difficult for the animals. This is in accordance with the WAP’s elephant-friendly guidelines.

” We are never elephant professionals.” It will be risky for the tourists if we bathe them and they do everything but we think they’re happy and keep doing it, she said.

The WAP presented a case for supporting the conversion of about 15 neighborhood elephant tents to elephant-friendly locations in 2017. Chang Chill in Chiang Mai, which received assistance with economic and guidance, is one transitional success.

It took the organization six months to rebuild the system with standards that are elephant-friendly, she said, adding that” Transformation is no one-night magic.”

Visitors are now only permitted to safely watch elephants at Chang Chill. For the protection and well-being of both animals and humans, demanding activities like riding, bathing, and direct contact with people have been outlawed.

According to the rules that stop the number of enthralled animals from rising, violent practices like breeding and training are strictly forbidden.

Taking advantage of the rules

With the help of other non-governmental organizations( NGOs ), government employees, and other individuals, the WAP drafted a bill in early 2022.

The goal was to put an end to industrial breeding, violent training techniques, and the ban on elephant capture.

But regrettably, legislature was disbanded at the beginning of this month. Therefore, Ms. Hatai stated that her second task is to collaborate with the new administration to adopt or advocate for this bill, which she believes will transform the welfare and standard of captive elephants in Thailand.

Animals are divided into two categories according to Thai laws: wild and domesticated.

The latter is covered by the Beast of Burden Act, which allows for private equity and creates gaps that make captive elephant vulnerable to domestic abuse. According to her, export is one of the gaps and happens for a variety of factors, including claims that it is done for educational purposes and to advance diplomatic ties.

According to Ms. Hatai, using occurs during the exportation process. The capture elephants are subjected to harsh training prior to the sourcing stage, which makes them behave differently than they would normally.

Some elephants are at significant risk of dying during the exportation process. Since the elephants’ condition is typically unfamiliar, the lack of government checking poses a worrying situation for those who survive. As a result, she said, NGOs frequently bear the responsibility of monitoring and ensuring the welfare of these animals.

action is required

To decrease the number of elephants in the industry, the WAP is calling for an end to industrial elephant mating. Additionally, she stated that the organization aims to facilitate procedures for enhancing the security of imprisoned elephants at the locations where they are held.

She continued by saying that in order to dispel myths about elephants’ intelligence and driven performances, knowledge sharing about the heinous acts committed in commercial settings should be encouraged.

” We think animals belong in the wild ,” Ms. Hatai continued. We want all the animals that are currently being held captive to be the last generation so that the period of imprisonment comes to an end.

Members of the World Animal Protection movement urge congress to end elephant abuse.

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This information will be loudly proclaimed as a positive growth signifying real change by cynics, the naive, gullible, and several vested interests in military principle in Myanmar. No, it isn’t. Aung San Suu Kyi, Win Myint, and any of the various political prisoners who are being mistreated in Myanmar’s appalling prisons shouldn’t even be present.

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Commentary: Would pursuing your passion as a career suck the joy from it?

I studied business at the National University of Singapore and kindness at Nanyang Polytechnic, but I’ve always loved telling tales through movies. I experimented with the cords and developed my own projects. & nbsp,

I felt I had to be truthful about whether I possessed the innate ability to master documentaries when I considered making it my full-time career. Any endeavor will usually require effort, but skill multiplies growth and results.

Additionally, skills might be simpler to recognize than interest. Less than 20 % of young folks, according to Stanford architecture professor Bill Burnett, are aware of what their true love is or how to pursue it.

He explained that the majority of young people are” dabblers ,” meaning they can list their interests and pastimes but not any specific passions.

When you find it simple to develop the skill, that is a unmistakable sign of skills. When working on that engagement, you not only pick up new ideas and techniques more quickly than most people, but you also do so with ease.

THE Criminal OF JOY IS Evaluation.

In any business, there will be rivals, and comparisons are inevitable in any competitors.

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PSU finds 2 new species in custard apple family

PSU finds 2 new species in custard apple family
Bunga Seng Betong is one of the Annonaceae family’s recently discovered plants. Prince of Songkla University( picture )

At the Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary in the Betong district of Yala province, researchers from Prince of Songkla University( PSU ) recently discovered two new species of the Annonaceae family of flowering plants. The community also includes grapes with pastry.

Prof. David M. Johnson from the Ohio Wesleyan University’s Biological Science Department in Delaware, Ohio, the United States, contributed along with Thai experts and representatives at the Hala Bala Wildlife Research Station, according to Professor Charan Leeratiwong of the PSU Faculty of Science.

According to him, the two recently discovered species have been given the scientific names” Bunga Seng Hala” and” Friesodielsia betongensis Leerat.”

The former is a shrub of hardwood vine with bright flowers and triangle-shaped outside petals. Over 1, 000 to 1, 200 meters above sea level, the plant is found to increase in tropical rainforests. Typically, growing occurs in May. According to Prof. Charan, the plant’s name” betongensis” honors its origin in the Betong area.

Another brand-new types is a hardwood plant with unusually large, oval leaves. The leaf has long, yellow blossoms that hang down. The flower blooms in May and is found 500 meters above sea level in a tropical forest.

According to Prof. Charan, Piya Chalermglin, a botanist from the Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research who had led the scientists, is honored by the brand” chalerngliniana.”

Bunga Seng Hala is one of the Annonaceae family’s recently discovered plants. ( Photo: Songkla University’s Prince )

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