Commentary: In a meaningless gesture, Myanmar junta cuts Aung San Suu Kyi’s sentence

Commentary: In a meaningless gesture, Myanmar junta cuts Aung San Suu Kyi’s sentence

SYDNEY: Myanmar’s commanders have huge shown an incredible capacity for both memory and ignorance. This occasionally serves them soon. When the earth even thinks about Myanmar, a large portion of it neither remembers nor learns.

Therefore, on Tuesday( Aug 1 ), Myanmar’s ruling junta announced that some important members of the democratically elected government it overthrew in February 2021 would receive shorter prison terms.

Aung San Suu Kyi‘s 33-year sentence was reduced by six times after she was overwhelmingly elected position advocate in November 2020. Win Myint, the former leader of Myanmar, had his word reduced by four years. Another social prisoners’ sentences may also be reduced in the near future. & nbsp,

The defense junta extended the state of crisis it claims to act by an additional six weeks one day prior to the word cuts. In violation of its own law, which only permits two extensions, this was the third such extension.


This information will be loudly proclaimed as a positive growth signifying real change by cynics, the naive, gullible, and several vested interests in military principle in Myanmar. No, it isn’t. Aung San Suu Kyi, Win Myint, and any of the various political prisoners who are being mistreated in Myanmar’s appalling prisons shouldn’t even be present.