New twist in Najib’s bid to serve jail term at home as two ministers dispute claims over supposed royal order

According to them, Mr. Ahmad Zahid’s actions will also cause a rift between the unity government and the United Malays National Organization ( UMNO ), adding pressure to the relationship where the government still needs UMNO but does n’t want to be seen as one that, for the most part, has freed Najib.

Given that the Barisan Nasional alliance that the UMNO brings has 30 seats in parliament, which is essential for the government’s supermajority, senior researcher at the Nusantara Academy for Strategic Research, Azmi Hassan feels this topic has an impact on the future of the unity state.

According to him, Zahid’s affidavit is a part of a plan to deter people from accusing him of not doing his best to secure Najib’s reprimand. He also referred to how some UMNO people had accused their party leader of not doing enough to secure the president’s pardon.

It will, of course, require the unity authorities to describe what actually happened. There is no denying that the king’s memorandum is authentic. ” 


The Deputy Prime Minister claimed that Mr. Tengku Zafrul gave him a copy of the memorandum get in Mr. Ahmad Zahid’s affidavit filed with the Kuala Lumpur High Court on April 9.

Mr. Ahmad Zahid was informed that the memorandum get was in effect during a meeting at his home on January 30. This occurred one day after the Pardons Board conference on January 29.

The outcome of this meeting was the slashing of Najib’s 12-year prison phrase to six years, a move that irritated the nation but was eventually accepted as a privilege of the then-king.

” ( Mr Tengku Zafrul ) subsequently showed me a copy of the said Addendum Order on his phone which he personally photographed/scanned from an original copy as shown to him by ( Malaysia’s 16th king ), ” Mr Ahmad Zahid stated in his affidavit.

” The addendum order expressly requested that ( Najib ) be permitted to serve the reduced sentence of his imprisonment under the condition of “home arrest,” as opposed to the Kajang Prison’s current prison term. ”

Mr. Ahmad Zahid claimed that the image of the memorandum order he saw bore the royal seal and that it is “genuine” and a component of the major order that reduced Najib’s sentence.

He continued, adding that other members of the government have seen the memorandum order, in addition to him and Tengku Zafrul, and that Pahang Chief Minister Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail has also seen it and can confirm it.

Mr. Ahmad Zahid ended by saying that because the order had not yet been “executed or enforced, ” he did not have a backup of the memorandum attempt for security reasons.

“ I however confirm that the (addendum ) is within the collective possession of the Respondents, ” he said, referring to government institutions and ministers named in Najib’s application, including Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department ( Law and Institutional Reform ) Azalina Othman Said, and Prisons Commissioner-General Nordin Muhamad.

The Honorable Attorney General is also informed that he can provide his constitutional opinion on the matter with a version of the Addendum Order. ” 

Mr. Ahmad Zafrul did not explain why Sultan Abdullah opted to show Mr. Tengku Zafrul the addendum order or why they had chosen to take photos or examine it.

However, Mr. Tengku Zafrul claimed to have seen Mr. Zahid’s oath and that it contained factual errors in a speech on Wednesday night.

According to Mr. Tengku Zafrul, I will be requesting that I write to the High Court to request permission or left to record an oath to correct some scientific mistakes in the petition in question.

I have no opinion on the merits of the ongoing dispute, but I just want to make sure that the factual record is properly reflected and recorded so that all parties, and particularly the High Court, are properly ( apprised ) of all relevant facts. ”

This may enable a “just and fair judgement ” to be made in the interests of all parties involved, according to Mr. Zafrul.

Later on Wednesday evening, the Attorney-General’s Chambers ( AGC ) said it will bring Mr Tengku Zafrul’s comments to the attention of the court.

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Mr. Saifuddin had previously stated that he had not seen any such attempt, while Mr. Anwar’s department had previously stated that it would not be making any announcements regarding how it would handle Najib’s legal challenge.  

Officials from the top authorities, who spoke to CNA on the condition of anonymity before, acknowledged that Sultan Abdullah had issued a secondary order with regard to the home arrest before he finished his five-year rule at the end of January.

The AGC had raised objections to the Anwar leadership because the six-member Pardons Board did not discuss the topic of home arrest for Najib during the conference on January 29. The leaders declined to complex.

According to analysts, Najib’s most recent legal challenge has placed the Anwar administration in a awkward position because a government challenge to the original premier’s request for house arrest would be seen as a means of challenging the country’s constitutional monarchy’s unrestricted role.

The University of Tasmania doctor James Chin described the situation as being “very strange ” because he had no idea how a imperial record of that appearance could be secret for that long.

It appears that the state is very anxious to push this forward because of my conviction, he said. “They may say that, ‘It’s actually no us … We really wanted to observe Najib in jail. ’ ”

If the existence of the memorandum is proven, Prof. Chin said it will be hard for Mr. Anwar to get himself out of this mess because it affects his administration’s level of openness to the public.

“If ( Anwar went on to say that ) he knew about the (addendum ) order, why was he not transparent with the people of Malaysia? ” Prof Chin asked.

Because Najib’s hold on UMNO is still “so strong, ” Prof. Chin concludes that Mr. Ahmad Zahid had no choice but to sign the affidavit.

According to him, “If Najib comes out ( of jail ), it is very positive for UMNO because UMNO will get its number one warlord back, ” he said, referring to how Najib’s role as former UMNO chief before his downfall could unite the once-dominant party and more effectively conduct political lobbying and meet party leaders while on house arrest.

Independent researcher Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani believes that Mr. Ahmad Zahid’s testimony will scuttle his relationship with Mr. Anwar because he is undermining the government and the Prime Minister.

If it is established that Mr. Anwar and his Parti Keadilan Rakyat ( PKR ) cannot be trusted if the previous king’s addendum was not disclosed, Mr. Asrul Hadi said, the affidavit could bolster the sentiments within UMNO.

However, the analyst claimed that because of the possibility of UMNO members calling for the party to abandon the unification government, Mr. Ahmad Zahid may have felt safe in doing what he did knowing that he still is important to Mr. Anwar.

UMNO now holds 26 of the unity government’s 147 votes in Malaysia’s 222-seat congress.

We may not see UMNO working with PKR after this word, but I do not believe the unity government will step down, according to Mr. Hadi.

According to Prof. Chin, Mr. Anwar and his Pakatan Harapan partnership had promised to clear the nation of widespread corruption, so they had called it a “lose-lose proposition.”

Everyone wants Najib to pay for his crimes, but he seems to be doing it now, he said.