New campaign to curb children”s vape use

The National Health Commission and the National Health Commission come to terms on a five-part strategy to combat electronic smoking.

New campaign to curb children's vape use
Given the growing concern about how vulnerable children are to communications encouraging them to consider the devices, the government’s policy is to stop smoking e-cigarettes. ( Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

The National Health Commission Office ( NHCO ) and the National Health Commission have come to a consensus on five principles to prevent children and adolescents from using e-cigarettes because studies show that the sooner a person starts using tobacco, the higher the chance of developing a lifelong habit of becoming addicted.

Younger people are a key target of e- cigarette companies, and they can quickly become innovative smokers, facing both brief- and long- term health risks, said Deputy Prime Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit, who is also the NHCO chairman.

He said on Friday that the percentage is urging people to take the most potent measures possible to halt both the buy and trade of e-cigarettes.

The five steps included managing the information about tobacco use, raising awareness of the risks associated with it, monitoring and enforcing e-cigarette control laws, creating a lover system to fight the spread of e-cigarettes, and supporting policies and measures to stop and stop their use.

Every six weeks, especially regarding the number of smoking, participating organizations may be required to document their progress.

” We will consider this decision for the commission’s assent, and we look forward to seeing all related companies take action based on the framework”, Mr Suriya said.

Given the growing worry over how vulnerable children are to information encouraging them to test the equipment, the minister said, the government’s plan on the subject of e-cigarettes is a crucial one.

Suwanna Ruangkanchanasetr, who chairs the Public Health Policy Development ( e- smoke control ) commission, said cigarette use in Thailand among adolescents is getting worse.

She said that protecting the country’s significant resources from risky situations and health threats is a top priority. The World Health Organization has confirmed that the poisoning of e-cigarettes has been raised.

According to reports, electronic- cigarettes, which then also come in imaginative toy- like designs and chemical flavours, are tremendously popular among young people.

The youngest e-cigarette users ever discovered were those who were in main school.

Dr. Suwanna urged the government to carry on its legislation to outlaw the e-cigarette trade in Thai territory, adding that wrongdoers may be subject to legal action.