More road traffic fatalities in first half of 2023, along with rise in number of drink driving accidents

In the same time last year, there were 145 accidents involving old pedestrians, up from 120 in the first quarter.

In this class, wounds increased from 112 to 128 and mortality from nine to 17.

According to the police, in the first quarter of 2023, incidents involving elderly pedestrians accounted for 30.7 percent of all pedestrian injuries and 68 % of pedestrian fatalities.

They continued by saying that 37.2 percent of older commuter accidents in the first six weeks of this year were caused by jaywalking.

In the first half of 2023, there were 1, 834 motorcyclist injuries compared to 1, 751 during the same time next year.

In the first quarter of this year, there were 2, 035 injured motorcycle riders and scooter riders, an increase from 1, 877, and 32 more casualties.

In the first quarter of 2023,” Drivers and scooter riders were involved in 51.8 percent of all traffic fatalities, and made up 45.1 % of total traffic casualties.” The main culprits, according to the authorities, were failing to keep a suitable alert, fail to have proper control over the bike, and change lanes carelessly.

In comparison to the exact time next year, there were fewer red-light running as well as speeding-related violations and accidents in the first half of 2023.

However, according to the police, the number of dangerous accidents resulting from both increased.