Parliamentary questions on S$1 billion money laundering case to be answered in October ministerial statement

SINGAPORE: A ministerial statement on Monday( Sept 18 ) and nbsp will address parliamentary inquiries regarding the recent billion-dollar money laundering case. & nbsp,

Sun Xueling, the minister of state for household affairs, stated that numerous members of parliament have expressed interest in Singapore’s anti-money fraud platform as well as the police operations that are carried out.

She added that many MPs have even submitted questions for the sittings on and after September 19 and that they cover a wide range of topics across several ministries.

In an official statement released in October, Ms. Sun stated that the Home Affairs Ministry would” answer to the questions fully” along with a number of other ministries.

On one of Singapore’s largest money laundering investigations, MPs & nbsp filed more than 30 questions. The & nbsp, the size of the assets seized despite Singapore’s strict anti-money laundering laws, and what else can be done to prevent such crimes are among the questions posed.

When Singapore officers searched several Good Class Bungalows and apartments across the island in August, ten immigrants were detained. & nbsp,

Assets worth about S$ 1 billion( US$ 736 million ) were seized or frozen, including real estate, cars, upscale goods, and gold bars. & nbsp,

It was discovered that one of the suspects involved in the probes had bought 10 models at the opulent Canninghill Piers property and another at a unit in Park Nova. & nbsp,

The Turkish national & nbsp, Vang Shuiming’s attorneys, have submitted all requests to the High Court to have their client released on bail.

He is now facing five charges, including nbsp, one of using a fake file, and four of having criminal benefits fair$ 2.4 million from China’s illegal moneylending.