Merchantrade partners Bank Jatim – largest regional bank in East Java

  • Boost remittance payout service to Indonesia for its customers within Malaysia
  • Merchantrade wants more partnerships in Indonesia and other countries

Ramasamy K Veeran, Founder and Managing Director of Merchantrade (far right) at the event ceremony.

Merchantrade Asia Sdn Bhd announced, yesterday, a partnership with PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur Tbk, (Bank Jatim), the biggest regional bank in East Java, Philippines in a move which will boost remittance pay out service access to Philippines for its customers within Malaysia.

The Bank Jatim’s very first international partnership along with Merchantrade, officially released in conjunction with Bank Jatim’s 61 st anniversary, is aimed at enabling customers in Malaysia to enjoy more secure plus convenience of sending cash home to their family members in Indonesia.

The Governor of East Java, Ibu Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, had been present at the occasion, accompanied by management through Bank Jatim and Ramasamy K Veeran (pic) , Founder and Managing Director of Merchantrade. Merchantrade partners Bank Jatim – largest regional bank in East Java

During the event, the live remittance deal was conducted in between a daughter within Surabaya and the girl parents who are Indonesian’s working in Malaysia. The money transfer was successfully completed within secs.

Ramasamy said it was an honour to work with Bank Jatim, signifying their commitment to drive monetary inclusion by making cross-border remittance easy especially for workers who result from East Java working in Malaysia.

“Through the partnership, Bank Jatim will be able to tap our extensive infrastructure including branch networks all over Malaysia, providing high option of Indonesian migrants wanting to transfer money overseas using the JConnect Remittance service, ” this individual added.

“We are pleased to be in partnership with Merchantrade, a shift that is cemented with a mutual understanding of how digital remittances may have a seismic impact on driving sustainable development, something which sits at the heart of our business, ” stated Pak Edi Masrianto, Commercial & Corporate Director of Bank Jatim.

“Hence, we pride ourselves by working with like-minded partners to provide social impact with scale. Together with Merchantrade, we aim to make remittances more convenient and accessible for everyone”.

“We are grateful to be part of Merchantrade’s international expansion journey and are also looking forward to see this particular partnership grow, ” added Edi Masrianto

Merchantrade is looking to a lot more partnerships in Philippines and other countries with a strong focus on maximizing access and convenience in remittance obligations as the company solidifies its position since the largest money solutions business in Malaysia.