Maximum fines for workplace safety breaches will more than double to S$50,000 from Jun 1

SINGAPORE: Maximum fines for workplace safety breaches will go up from S$ 20, 000 to S$ 50, 000 ( US$ 37, 000 ) from Jun 1, the Ministry of Manpower ( MOM) said on Monday ( May 27 ). &nbsp,

From the following month, it will also be required for construction sites with a deal worth S$ 5 million or more to place security cameras at high-risk areas.

According to the ministry, the increased sum will serve as a” stronger deterrent” against crimes committed under the Workplace Safety and Health ( WSH) Act Subsidiary Legislation and that could lead to death, serious injury, or serious harm. &nbsp,

Such crimes include never supplying appropriate personal protective equipment and failing to warn of potential risks of serious damage. &nbsp,

The increase in greatest fines is a proactive step in the direction of improving WSH’s ownership and accountability, especially in the eyes of senior corporate executives who are in charge of creating a safe work environment, MOM said. &nbsp,

Picture Control

Despite there being improvements, MOM claimed that the construction industry remained a key contributor to dangerous and serious injuries in all sectors in 2023. &nbsp,

Websites with a deal worth at least S$ 5 million may be required to install a video monitoring system (VSS) at workplace locations where high-risk work actions are carried out in order to further enhance the business.

The VSS “acts as a barrier for illegal office behaviors, provides valuable training resources for companies, and provides insights for investigations of security incidents and near-misses,” said MOM,” by enabling remote surveillance and video catch.” &nbsp,

” This will develop a strategic approach to WSH control, and promote a culture of tragedy reduction in workplaces”.

The tightened regulations come after Singapore’s annual office lethal and serious injury rates were at record lows last year. &nbsp,

The workplace accident price fell below 1 per 100, 000 workers in 2023, the first time it went under that mark off from 2020 when labor was disrupted by the COVID- 19 pandemic.