Mass same-sex weddings in Jan 2025

The Marriage Equality Bill may actually become law on January 22nd, 2019, following 120 times since its publication in the Royal Gazette, and more than 1, 000 same-sex lovers did get married on that day.

Thailand will become the first country in Southeast Asia and one of the 37 nations global to allow same-sex unions.

Waaddao Anne Chumaporn, the founder of Bangkok Pride and a former part of the Marriage Equality Bill commission, described this law as” a huge step toward equal rights in Thailand.”

A large ceremony will be held on January 22, 2025, in collaboration with Bangkok Pride. The goal is to include 1, 448 same-sex people participate, symbolising the number of sections of the Union Laws in the Civil and Commercial Codes that have been amended to help same-sex relationship, she said.

The event is open to any same-sex people residing in Thailand or worldwide, she added.

” The preparation for the wedding ceremony and subscription for LGBTQ people is about 50 % finish. Thus far, 183 people have registered to meet us. We also encourage communities in different regions to hold large weddings with wedding register, as they do in Bangkok, she said.

The law grants same-sex people the same legal rights as heterosexual lovers and allows same-sex people to get married. These rights include the ability to choose children, manage and gain their parent’s assets, the right to marriage, access to state security if their partner is a civil slave, and tax deductions.

People must be at least 18 years of age to record their union. But, those under 20 require parental acceptance. The law uses gender-neutral terms for married couples, referring to them as” two individuals” instead of” a man and a woman”, and replaces “husband and wife” with” spouses”.

Before the legislation goes into effect, the director to the perfect minister, Jirayu Huangsab, urged civil servants to familiarize themselves with it over the course of the next four decades. ” The operate reflects efforts to promote fairness and equality”, he said.