Local mafia leader list takes shape

Local mafia leader list takes shape
Chada Thaiset, Deputy Interior Minister

According to Deputy Interior Minister Chada Thaiset, a global testing of local officials associated with powerful mafia-like groups is then 20 to 30 % complete, and the database is anticipated to be divided into colored areas.

The incident was connected to the killing of a bridge police officer on September 6 in Nakhon Pathom province at the residence of Praween Chanklai, also known as Kamnan Nok.

The committee, led by Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, is compiling a list of alleged important mafia-like politicians to examine the influence they wield over their region, according to Mr Chada, who was chosen by the deputy prime minister and inside minister to lead the screen.

Due to legal requirements, specifically the Personal Data Protection Act, the record was then considered personal.

The names will influence the choice to map regional social influences by color, such as red and yellow, and they will treat all relevant organizations fairly.

The collection is now targeted at kamnans and village heads before expanding its working spheres, according to Mr. Chada, and the list is currently 20 – 30 % complete.

A new cast of Interior Ministry plans, which were discussed on Monday and Monday at the Rama Gardens Hotel, included the mafia-like native find examination.

Deputy officials Mr. Chada, Kriang Kantinan, and Songsak Thongsri, the permanent repository Suttiphong Julcharoen, as well as individuals from relevant industries, participated in the conversation, which was led by Mr Anutin.

According to Mr. Anutin, the ministry will employ social machinery to manage society as well as to eradicate people vices.

Regarding other highlighted policies, Mr. Anutin clarified that any action that prioritized the preservation of those institutions was referred to as” institutes’ protection.”

Additionally, he stated that the government will work with regional governments, Metropolitan and Provincial Waterworks Authorities, and related industries to standardize local tap water and render it suitable for human consumption.