How an explosion on an oil tanker in Singapore sparked a lifelong blood donation journey for 2 men

How an explosion on an oil tanker in Singapore sparked a lifelong blood donation journey for 2 men


Among a select group of sponsors in Singapore who have donated plasma more than 300 times is Mr. Thomasz, who is now retired. & nbsp,

The hundreds of donations that followed were all deliberate, despite the fact that his first contribution came at a time of dire need. His parents, who frequently donated body, served as another source of inspiration for him.

He said,” I had to perform my work; I had no idea how many, for what, or for whom my heart could be used.”

Before moving on to apheresis funds, which can be done once every three weeks, he started giving complete body.

In the automated process known as apheresis, blood is drawn from the donation, and plasma, platelets, or dark cells are extracted before the remaining components are given back to the recipient.

Each payment takes 45 minutes to one and a half hours, so it takes longer.

These days, Mr. Thomasz runs into friends or previous coworkers, and the two of them go to the blood bank to” would our work.”

Looking up, I believe it has been a useful journey, he continued. I could only give without any attachments because giving back to world was a part of who I was.

Giving body has become a habit, according to Mr Pang, who finally got to know Mr. Thomasz.

” You give, they live ,” is how I see it. They pass away if you don’t. That’s the painful facts, he said, even though it sounds awfully cruel.