Has the internet broken parenting? Young parents share how online advice influences them in CNA’s new series

Has the internet broken parenting? Young parents share how online advice influences them in CNA's new series

They say in showbusiness to never work with children or animals. That went out the window when we started production on Has The Internet Broken Parenting?.

The whole thing was sparked off when Khushboo, then a mother of a 2-year-old, realised she had been turning to the internet with many parenting questions. And clearly, she isn’t alone. 

There’s no denying that it takes a village to raise a child, but these days, the village has gone online. From mummy groups on WhatsApp and parenting experts on Instagram to various Facebook groups offering parental support, everything is there. It was through the same groups that we found families willing to share their parenting adventures with us. In fact, once we put the word out, more than 50 mums reached out! 

Listening to their stories made us recall our own experiences with our young kids and at the end of it, we felt like we were emerging from a warzone, filled with tales of pregnancy woes, baby worries and toddler tempers. It then took us a while to narrow the list down to those we were going to profile in the show. In the end, we had five couples who shared with us their good and bad online experiences during their parenting journey.