Free webinar: The Digital Revolution in the Global South

Mobile broadband, Cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence are transforming the Global South.

The International Monetary Fund wrote this year, “Digital technologies can increase the efficiency of the public and private sectors, expand financial inclusion, improve access to education, and open new markets by allowing companies to serve distant customers.”

At the grassroots level of the economy, mobile broadband and AI are coming together to open up microloans to people who previously had no access to banking. This digital synergy is making healthcare, education and many other services available to hundreds of millions of people.

Presenters will include:

  • Christine Zhenwei Qiang, Director of the Digital Development Global Practice at the World Bank;
  • Jun Xu, Chief Technology Officer of the Mining Group at Huawei Technologies; and,
  • Andy Purdy, Chief Security Officer, Huawei USA