Drunk cop injures boy in Roi Et road crash

Drunk cop injures boy in Roi Et road crash
Pol Snr Sgt Maj Somsong Sriardree-ara, a Sakon Nakhon police agent.

A drunk police officer caused an accident on Thursday that seriously injured a 12-year-old boy and damaged 12 vehicles in Roi Et, prompting the Do n’t Drink Drive Foundation to call for stricter drink driving laws.

The incident happened on Prem Pracharath Road on Thursday at 9.50 a.m. when the pilot, Pol Snr Sgt Maj Somsong Sriardree-ara of the Na Nai police station in the Sakon Nakhon state, crashed his light pickup truck into another truck when hitting the back of an automobile that the 12-year-old boy was riding.

The delivery dragged the child 300 meters along the highway after he fell off the motorcycle.

Before being arrested, the vehicle was driving at high velocity and colliding with eight more riders, another car, and a three-wheeler.

The boy had broken arms and other severe wounds when he was rushed to Roi Et Hospital.

According to Dr. Taejing Siripanich, secretary-general of the foundation, the police officer’s body contained more alcohol than 321 milligrams.

He claims that drinking beer at a concentration of more than 300 mg can cause dizziness, making it challenging to maintain consciousness. The man may become unconscious when the alcohol levels reaches 400mg.

” It is common for those who are under the influence of alcohol to experience both physical and mental incapacity.” According to Dr. Taejing, drivers with alcohol levels higher than 300mg may start the driver function without realizing what they are hitting.

He asserted that the criminal should receive the harshest penalty possible for breaking the law as a law executioner.

” The event highlights the shortcomings of Thailand’s legal system.” It even helped us realize that our 20-year campaign to stop drinking and driving has failed, he continued.

Dr. Taejing urged the government to pass a certain law prohibiting drunk driving.

” The laws must be enforced against all related people who permit those who are under the influence of alcohol to travel, including the liquor retailers.”

However, when a car accident happens, every driver has become thoroughly tested for alcohol levels, according to Dr. Taejing.

The situation is being overseen by Muang Roi Et police chief, and it was reported that National Police Chief Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol acknowledged the situation.

Within 48 hours, a judge will remand the criminal who was detained at the officers place. He was not allowed to post parole.

A administrative investigation into the situation will also be launched by Sakon Nakhon Provincial Police.