Coursera 2024 Global Skills Report: Malaysian learners record 806% rise in GenAI enrollments

  • Malaysia is ranked fourth in Southeast Asia and 12th in APAC in terms of competence proficiency.
  • Millennials lead GenAI adoption at 48 %, followed by GenXers at 32 % &amp, GenZ at 16 %

Coursera 2024 Global Skills Report: Malaysian learners record 806% rise in GenAI enrollments

Back of AI Appreciation Time on 16 July, Coursera, one of the largest online learning platforms, unveiled insight for Malaysia from its 6th annual World Skills Report, based on data from over 148 million international learners and leading financial indices. The report reveals an 806 % year-over-year ( YoY ) increase in enrollments in Generative AI ( GenAI ) courses among Malaysian learners, highlighting their readiness to acquire GenAI skills.

Coursera 2024 Global Skills Report: Malaysian learners record 806% rise in GenAI enrollmentsIt added that in the APAC area, Malaysia ranks 12th in skill ability, and in Southeast Asia, Malaysia ranks third, followed by Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Myanmar.

Malaysia aims to strengthen its AI ecology through training and research cooperation, supported by activities like the National AI Roadmap 2021-2025 and the AI Talent Roadmap 2024-2033. Important GenAI training gaining acceptance in Malaysia include Google Cloud’s Launch to Generative AI, Google AI Essentials, and Generative AI for Everyone by DeepLearning. AI. These programs underscore Malaysian learners ‘ commitment to keeping pace with technological developments, bolstering the government’s global digital profitability.

In Malaysia, GenAI adoption is generational with millennials leading the reskilling race at 48 %, followed by GenXers at 32 % and GenZ at 16 %, the study indicated. This pattern demonstrates that middle to senior management is reskilling, as demonstrated by significant enrollments in GenAI courses across different age groups and professions: directors ( 25 % ), managerial leadership positions ( 22 % ), junior individual contributors ( 18 % ), executive management ( 18 % ), and interns ( 5 % ). &nbsp,

” The soaring demand for GenAI classes by Malaysian learners on Coursera reinforces their tenacity and forward-thinking nature needed to thrive in a world driven by rapid technological transitions”, said Raghav Gupta, managing producer, Asia Pacific, Coursera. ” As the GenAI revolutionary unfolds, it is impacting the ever-changing work environment, emphasizing the need to engage in individual capital. Malaysia demonstrates a strong synergy between government, industry, academia, and industry to foster the high-demand human and modern skills needed to create a competitive and equitable workforce.

Various studies for Malaysia include:Coursera 2024 Global Skills Report: Malaysian learners record 806% rise in GenAI enrollments

  • Rising demand for industry micro-credentials for digital jobs: The report highlights a 97 % YoY increase in Malaysian learners ‘ enrollments, underscoring the trend that people are increasingly turning to online micro-credentials to find new jobs and advance their careers. &nbsp,
  • Some of the most common entry-level professional credentials among Malay on Coursera are Google Data Analytics, Google Project Management, Google Marketing &amp, E-commerce.
  • &nbsp, Diverse and Inclusive Learning Demography: Malaysia’s learning community is amazingly diverse and inclusive, with girls constituting 46 % of the entire person people.
  • In STEM fields, women account for 34 % of learners, highlighting their growing presence in traditionally male-dominated places. However, &nbsp, in GenAI-related courses, &nbsp, men represent 71 % of learners and women 29 % of learners.

Coursera claims that it now supports the development of 782, 000 Malaysian learners who have taken more than 1.7 million Coursera programs as of March 2024. It added that more than 4, 400 classes are nowadays available in Simplified Chinese, including some of the most common programs in Malaysia, such as Generative AI for All from DeepLearning. AI, Programming for Everybody from the University of Michigan, and What is Data Science? from IBM.

Highlights from International results include:

  • In the midst of ChatGPT, AI education becomes a global essential. As learners sought out foundational AI skills and enrolled in courses like” Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT” by Vanderbilt University and” Introduction to Generative AI” by Google Cloud, GenAI course enrollments on Coursera increased by 1, 060 % globally over the past year.
  • Micro-credentials continue to create learners for in-demand online jobs Learners are increasingly turning to business micro-credentials, including Professional Certificates, to get essential online skills for jobs. The need for visible learning pathways is more urgent than ever as 60 % of workers by 2027 have retraining. Coursera educators are enrolling in job-relevant Professional Certificates to plan for in-demand tasks, such as data experts, job administrators, and IT specialists.

To download the 2024 Coursera Global Skills Report, visit https ://