Commentary: Lawrence Wong as Prime Minister and Finance Minister – it could give him an advantage


Given the needs of his functions, Mr Wong’s selection of deputies so mattered.

Mr. Wong prioritizes wisdom and experience to avert conflict and disorientation while keeping Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong and Mr. Heng Swee Keat as Deputy Prime Ministers.

Additionally, it gives Mr. Wong more time to choose his successors for the fourth-generation ( 4G ) leadership team.

In addition to the economical and professionalized civil service, Mr. Wong also has two able deputies, Second Ministers Ms. Indranee Rajah and Mr. Chee Hong Tat, to help with the demanding duties that come with double-hatting.

When the GE may be called, after which more substantial Cabinet shifts are anticipated, is now in everyone’s minds.

In order to show his robust political leadership and mobilise end ground support, Mr. Wong might even decide to hold his second National Day rally in August of the year.

Mr. Wong may be attempting to kick off his first year as prime minister with a high word and is putting his faith in the entire crew to good effect.

Dr. Mustafa Izzuddin works for Solaris Strategies Singapore as a top international affairs analyst.