Commentary: How the Myanmar regime is surviving

The recent shooting of more than 20 Rohingya Muslims in Minbya town of Rakhine and the besieging of Hsihseng in Southern Shan State highlight the SAC’s dangerous ability, supported by the widespread use of large weaponry and the proliferation of weaponized robots.

Four distinct states in Myanmar have recently experienced several air strikes. Residents were bombed 32 times in two days, according to a report from Karenni State.

In late January, Amnesty International discovered that Chinese and Eritrean marked tankers, whose possession was unknown, facilitated numerous flight fuel sales to Myanmar’s defense in 2023 through storage facilities in Vietnam.

Australia imposed restrictions on three Burmese businesses that supplied the military with aviation fuel on February 1. Since the revolution, US sanctions have been constantly imposed, with particular sanctions on flight gas supplies in March and August 2023.

In light of the recent upsurge in weather strikes, these methods should be coordinated and expanded.

Independent scientist David Scott Mathieson studies Myanmar’s fight and human rights issues. This remark first appeared on Lowy Institute’s website, The Interpreter.