COE quota to increase by 2.7% in May-July quarter

COE quota to increase by 2.7% in May-July quarter

SINGAPORE: There will be a 2.7 per cent increase in the overall supply of Certificates of Entitlement ( COE ) for the May to July period compared with the&nbsp, previous quarter.

Announcing this on&nbsp, Wednesday ( Apr 24 ), the&nbsp, Land Transport Authority ( LTA ) said there will be a total of 15, 104 COEs, up from&nbsp, 14, 707 in the previous quarter. &nbsp,

The limit for Category A, which is for smaller vehicles, may go up by 3 per share, while COEs&nbsp, in Category B for larger vehicles will get up by 1.3 per share. &nbsp,

Additionally, cars in Category E or the Open Category, which are commonly used to record larger trucks, may have 12.9 % more Submissions.

The COE source for professional vehicles in Category C will increase by 5.3 %.

The Category D limit for riders will be the same.

LTA added that bids for the May to July quarter’s 266 Open Category momentary Offerings that expired between January and March may become available.

According to the Land Transport Authority, Category A, B, and C may receive the equivalent of Category E from these expired Category E temporary Offerings.

In overall, the quota for Category A- generally used for smaller mass- market cars- may improve to 5, 775, away from 5, 609 in the previous quarter.

Bidding for the new limit will begin on May 6.

The COE limit for the August to October 2024 quarter of bidding will be revealed in July, according to LTA.

Department prices ended higher on April 17, with Category A prices rising above S$ 90,000 for the first time in more than five decades.

The COE limit consists of the following elements:

  • Twenty-five percent of the alternative Submissions from deregistered cars were issued during the 12-month period April 2023 to March 2024.
  • Provision for a growth rate of 0.25 percent per year for Category C vehicles based on the community of Category C vehicles as of December 31, 2023.
  • Adjustments to the vehicle population, expired TCOEs, the commercial vehicle First Turnover Scheme, and redistribution from Category A, Category B, and Category D guaranteed deregistrations.