CNA Explains: Why is China engaging Myanmar’s former and current leaders?

Myanmar’s junta-appointed ministries have been frequently invited to China on several official visits. &nbsp,

However, it was former president Thein Sein’s visit in late June that caused global attention. &nbsp,

Soe Win, the Little 2 man in the Myanmar military leadership, made an official trip to enter a conference in Qingdao in Shandong province just over a week later.

He became the highest-ranking defense head to travel to China since the coup of 2021 in an official capacity. &nbsp,

What’s behind the schedule of the sessions?

According to the course of events, China seems to prefer the former president of Myanmar to any of the recent military leaders. Or that Thein Sein’s visit made Soe Win, who is now the State Administration Council’s assistant army commander and deputy prime minister, a success.

But neither is the event, according to sources close to the Myanmar government. &nbsp,

CNA is aware that Beijing has a plan of inviting junta-appointed officials via bilateral rather than unique, diplomatic systems since the military coup that ousted Aung San Suu Kyi and her democratically elected government. &nbsp,

This may explain why dictatorship ministers have just traveled to China for conferences, forums, and other-country-related events. &nbsp,

Beijing increased engagements with Myanmar in the second half of last year, especially two months after the start of Operation 1027.

The name” Oct 27,” the day a group of powerful ethnic tolerance armies launched extensive, coordinated assaults that caught the Myanmar military off guard, is used in the nickname. The ethnic forces have since seized control of several junta-held areas of the country. &nbsp,