CNA Explains: What is the ‘Made in China 2025’ policy and why is it making the West nervous?

What kind of improvement has China made toward its objective?

Facing heightened global investigation, China started to ring things again. &nbsp,

Beijing began erasing the business plan in all of its official documents in 2019.

But, observers said the plan is still alive and kicking, adding that China does not leave its attainment of developing advanced technology. &nbsp,

Despite downplaying the” Made in China 2025″ phrase, it continues to pump in incentives to keep the wheels turning for manufacturers, device suppliers, and another high- technology players.

Dr Wang Huiyao, founder and president of Beijing- based think container Center for China and Globalization, said this kind of “planning training” is “very important” given that China contributes more than one- second of the global gross domestic product ( GDP ) development.

” China generally has some kind of planning”, he added.