Amid manpower crunch, Tan Tock Seng Hospital to offer flexi-shifts to 2,500 nurses by end-2024


Main nurses have had enough break times and can concentrate on their important tasks thanks to the initiative, according to a press release from the hospital.

A survey among the participating nurses after the prosecution, which lasted two months from October 2023 to January 2024, revealed changes in team morale.

Nearly all of the midwives reported getting enough sleep during a shift, away from 54 %. Nine in 10 welcomed their new job plans.

From less than 30 % to 70 %, nurses who were able to leave work on time for most or all of their shifts also more than doubled.

TTSH has even revised its move transfer process, allowing nurses to protect two- and- a- half hours per shift thanks to digitisation.

Another main challenge is change rostering, which is already done individually. A software that supports artificial intelligence that can perform for planning is being developed by TTSH and the Singapore Management University.


Given that flexi-work arrangements are place- and time-specific, TTSH noted the difficulties in accommodating them in nursing.

TTSH held focus group discussions with its midwives before making the decision to captain the wet nursing program.

They mentioned the inflexibility of move period and start and end times. Additionally, due to activities like dispatch sessions, nurses worked longer than their designated shift’s ending time.

One of its bright wards was the subject of a “time-motion research” for advancing workplace innovations, which the hospital also did. What clinic nurses do during their three week shifts over a 24-hour workday was the subject of the study.

The study revealed when medical day is most needed and when persistent maintenance requirements are highest. Thus, nursing duties can be changed and assigned to employees with flexible change schedules, according to TTSH’s press release.

The liquid care program’s two-month trial therefore commenced with 52 nurses on one hospital. By the trial’s conclusion, it had expanded to three units.

The doctor started offering flexi-shifts in order to promote wellbeing and provide nurses with the assistance they need to fulfill both their professional and personal aspirations, according to Dr. Hoi Shu Yin, the hospital’s chief nurse.

She noted that some TTSH midwives are similar to parents to Ms. Manjares. Through the program, they can greater orchestrate their time and send their kids to care.

” Since we started the initiative, we find that there’s greater happiness and operate because the work schedule is better able to meet their needs”, Dr Hoi added.