India to randomly test 2% of international travellers for COVID-19

MUMBA: India will start randomly testing 2 per cent of international passengers arriving at its airports for COVID-19, Mansukh Mandaviya, the country’s health minister, told parliament on Thursday (Dec 22), as the country steps up surveillance for new coronavirus variants. “The global pandemic is not yet over. The virus is changingContinue Reading

Extended Saturday operating hours at COVID-19 vaccination centres to remain in place until February

SINGAPORE: The extended operating hours at Joint Testing and Vaccination Centres (JTVCs) and Children’s Vaccination Centres (CVCs) on Saturdays will remain in place until the end of February, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Thursday (Dec 22). Last month, operating hours at JTVCs and CVCs on Saturdays were extendedContinue Reading

The ABCs of China’s GDI

In 1949, former US president Harry Truman launched the first US global aid program, declaring that “all nations [should] work together through the United Nations” in “a worldwide effort for the achievement of peace, plenty and freedom.” At the 76th United Nations General Assembly in 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on the global community […]Continue Reading

Arms tests vs war drills ad infinitum in Korea

SEOUL – While real-life carnage unfolds across Ukraine, the phony war continues predictably on, around and above the Korean peninsula. The actions of recent days may hearten jingoes and depress peaceniks on both sides. On December 14, the US announced that a Space Force command unit had stood up inside US forces based in South […]Continue Reading

Japan approves Alzheimer’s blood test kit

TOKYO: Japan has approved a blood test kit to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, its manufacturer announced on Thursday (Dec 22), a rare advance in tackling a condition that affects tens of millions worldwide. Sysmex Corporation said it was now working to get the kit, which measures the accumulation of a proteinContinue Reading

Is China floating military airships over South China Sea

China could soon regularly deploy high-altitude airships over the contested South China Sea for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), missile early warning and potentially target acquisition for anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) weapons. This week, The Warzone reported that China may have deployed a high-altitude, long-range airship around the vicinity of Luzon in the northern Philippines. Photos […]Continue Reading