How to save the global free trade order

The world faces unprecedented and difficult challenges, including US-China rivalry, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change and supply chain disruptions. One consequence of these challenges is the possible division of the world economy into two or more political blocs, not unlike the situation that prevailed before the Second World War. To […]

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Putin’s regime may be near end, but what then?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine now enters its seventh month with no apparent end in sight. Yet the conflict was supposed to be a lightning war, President Vladimir Putin’s version of Desert Storm, short, sharp, and decisive. Thanks to the seemingly limitless support the United States and its NATO partners have rendered to Ukraine’s defenders, the […]

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Dangerous time for Russia-installed officials in Ukraine

Moscow has long used proxy leaders to provide a facade of independent legitimacy for the territory it controls and it did so after occupying territory in the east of Ukraine in 2014. Many of the personnel in the militaries of the breakaway Russian-backed states of Donetsk and Luhansk are Ukrainian. The leader of the provisional […]

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