Xi should talk quietly and carry a bigger (reform) stick

Almost five years to the day that he inaugurated a “new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics”, General Secretary Xi Jinping returned to the Great Hall of the People to renew his ‘common prosperity’-based agenda of modernization and national rejuvenation. In his report to the 20th National Party Congress, Xi acknowledged the darkening geopolitical clouds on the horizon — the “black swans”, unpredictable dangerous […]Continue Reading

China tackling decoupling with FDI promotion push

China’s government will implement a series of measures to attract foreign companies to invest in high-end manufacturing in mainland China, a counter to US-led efforts to persuade firms and allied nations to “decouple” from China and its supply chains. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Industry and […]Continue Reading

UK’s first Anglo-Asian leader grips a poison chalice

The empire has struck back with a vengeance, as Anglo-Indian Rishi Sunak takes the United Kingdom’s national helm as its first-ever non-Caucasian prime minister. In a country that has had a sometimes vexed relationship with multi-culturalism, it speaks much of the millennial UK’s embrace of its ethnic minorities that Sunak has become prime minister. It […]Continue Reading