Easy and hard solutions

Several important processes or issues have either come to a conclusion or have “ripened” to the point where we might be able to ask, “What have we learned?” The “we” in the question is particularly true with respect to the US and China.  The situations include the ending of the Covid mania; continued feckless irresponsible […]Continue Reading

Recall issued for Karvan Cevitam Original Citroen due to possible peeling of inner coating packaging: SFA

SINGAPORE: A recall has been issued for Karvan Cevitam Original Citroen (600ml) due to the potential peeling of the packaging’s inner coating. The Singapore Food Agency’s (SFA) announcement on Saturday (Feb 25) comes after the European Commission Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) issued a recall for the syrup, whichContinue Reading