US expects calls, engagements with China in coming weeks

WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken did not meet China’s foreign minister on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in India as the two sides had already had extended talks in Munich last month, the US State Department spokesperson said on Thursday (Mar 2). Speaking at a regular briefing, NedContinue Reading

US, China need to engage ‘intensively and comprehensively’ to de-escalate tensions: Vivian Balakrishnan

TERRORISM, SELF-RADICALISATION A THREAT At the G20 meeting, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan also touched on other transboundary issues threatening Singapore’s security, such as illegal drugs and terrorism. “Some of you may be aware that Singapore has one of the strictest laws, the harshest penalties for illegal drugs. Drugs are a nationalContinue Reading

Inflation’s still the big challenge in Australia

Australia has recovered better than most from the Covid pandemic. As measured by gross domestic product (GDP), the economy is now 7% larger than it was before the pandemic. Over 2022, the economy expanded by 2.7% – more than any of the seven largest advanced economies, and more than twice the average growth rate in […]Continue Reading