B.Grimm Power bounds ahead into sustainability

One of the country’s longest-established companies which started out in Bangkok as Siam Dispensary in 1878, B.Grimm is today a leading Thailand-based energy company focused on the development, financing, construction and operation of green-field power plants. Indeed, with B.Grimm Power as its investment arm, the company has pioneered the country’s emerging private power generation industry.Continue Reading

The coming spring offensives in Ukraine

As it looks now, there are two potential spring offensives in Ukraine. Either of these offensives would be laden with significant risks for both sides. Predicting the outcome is difficult because outside players may intervene, especially US and NATO forces. The first offensive is fairly well known. It is the spring offensive being organized by the Russian army. Considerable preparations […]Continue Reading

White House backs Senate Bill to boost US ability to ban TikTok

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan praised the bipartisan Bill, saying it “would strengthen our ability to address discrete risks posed by individual transactions, and systemic risks posed by certain classes of transactions involving countries of concern in sensitive technology sectors”. “We look forward to continue working with bothContinue Reading