Part-time home cleaning scheme expanded to include basic care for children and elderly

MOM stated on its website that the services provided under the scheme are intended to cater to households that “intermittently need additional help” with basic child and elder care. Households that require a higher level of care should approach specialised caregiving companies, such as home nursing or home medical services. Continue Reading

Russia returns to the graveyard of empires

Even as Russia struggles to achieve military and political success in Ukraine, its leaders have turned their attention to another regional objective: restarting business in the “graveyard of empires.” Six months ago, Moscow inked a deal with the Taliban to supply gasoline, oil and wheat to Afghanistan. Some of those commodities are now arriving by road and rail from […]Continue Reading

Nuclear power back en vogue in Japan

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has pushed Japan to reevaluate its energy strategy once again. A sharp rise in the price of LNG, a lack of energy alternatives to reduce reliance on Russian LNG imports and Tokyo’s commitment to phasing out Russian coal and oil imports — all while ensuring Japan’s energy security — are making this reevaluation […]Continue Reading

Geopolitical significance of China-brokered Saudi-Iran deal

On March 10, Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed to restore diplomatic relations with the help of Chinese-brokered talks in Beijing. The agreement, however, will not take effect immediately. Rather, the normalization of ties between the two regional powers and strategic rivals will take place in a gradual two-month process. While concerns over the ability of […]Continue Reading

South Korea’s supersized aircraft carrier folly

South Korea has just upsized its aircraft carrier ambitions from a 30,000 to a 50,000-ton vessel, a plan critics say makes little economic or strategic sense in sight of adversaries’ hypersonic and other carrier-killer missile capabilities. Naval News reported that South Korea’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) will begin preliminary policy research on building the CVX […]Continue Reading

As China and Russia unite, look to India

Rapprochement between Russia and China has dramatically accelerated since the former suspended its participation in the New START treaty. Chinese senior diplomat Wang Yi met with Russian President Vladimir Putin to affirm the flourishing relations between the two countries and their mutual desire to see a multipolar international order. The Communist Party of China’s new […]Continue Reading