Disinformation and democratic resilience in Taiwan

Since 2000, Taiwan has been a top target of misinformation campaigns largely propagated by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and its proxies. Beijing’s primary objective in spreading disinformation is to undermine trust in Taiwan’s democracy and governance. Beijing hopes to convince Taiwanese citizens that the only way to avoid war is to support its plans peacefully to unify […]Continue Reading

Does AUKUS undercut Australia’s defense sovereignty?

The AUKUS submarine announcement earlier this month reignited a long-running debate about how to best preserve Australia’s sovereignty. The announcement addressed some key concerns. For example, the United States will sell (rather than lease) Australia its Virginia-class submarines so Australia can keep these boats. The submarine commanders and crew will be Australian. The rotational deployments […]Continue Reading

Forget semiconductors; superconductors are the future

Superconductors make highly efficient electronics, but the ultralow temperatures and ultrahigh pressures required to make them work are costly and difficult to implement. Room-temperature superconductors promise to change that. The recent announcement by researchers at the University of Rochester of a new material that is a superconductor at room temperature, albeit at high pressure, is […]Continue Reading