Brics bid spurs breakup concern

Japan: A Chinese expert on international relationships has expressed fears about Thailand’s pay to join Brics, a group of states that groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Former Japanese ambassador to Indonesia and special adjunct professor at the Faculty of Law at Gakushuin University warned that Thailand’s decision to join the Brics might mark the end of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( Asean ).

This is because there are other possible prospects in the region who perhaps apply for a Brics account, like Cambodia and Laos, after Thailand, he said.

Now, two members of Asean– Thailand and Malaysia– have shown their intention to join Brics to improve their business, he said.

” So, it is now two out of 10]Asean member states who want to join Brics ], but if there are another two– Cambodia and Laos, four of 10 will be a big impact”, he said.

Asean does not interfere with other countries ‘ decisions, especially their foreign coverage, so it must be difficult for him to say everything about their options.

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He suggested Thailand speak with another Asean members first about the subject and said the bloc values Asean’s commitment to unity. Then, Thailand does harm triggering a bursting point for Asean, he said.

” This]potential breakup ] is something Japan is worried about”, he said.

But, Japan needs to be careful not to say whatever controversial as it respects freedom of choice, he said.

Asean helps keep the unification of nations in the region, he said, making the bloc essential to Tokyo’s foreign policy. Japan will try its best to unite Asean, he said, noting that Japan will make an effort to avoid losing Asean to” the other side” regardless of whether it is Asean’s decision to break up or not.

” We are wondering whether]joining Brics ] will become the starting point of that break. We’re properly watching it”, he said.

” If other nations start following without any domestic Asean conversation, that will enhance our problem”.

Prof. Ishii spoke at a recent event in Tokyo to share information about Asean and Japan with reporters from the East Asian region.

Asean editors met Chinese figures of all kinds during the program, and they spoke about diplomatic issues in the area.

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Ishii: Govt may read people


But, Ryo Nakamura, Japan’s Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister and director-general of the Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Department, said he is particular Thailand’s decision to join Brics does not affect Japan’s faith in Thailand and Asean as a whole.

Thailand’s promotion to Brics should be in the Chinese government’s best interest, he said, adding that each nation really consider what kind of cooperation it requires and collaborates with which countries.

Besides, there are Brics people with which Japan has near relationships, such as India and Brazil, Mr Nakamura said.

” We all understand what kind of person Brics is. Each state has its own interests and manner of thinking”, he said. I am unable to reveal why Thailand wants to join the Brics.

” But at the same moment, our friendship, respect and assistance are strong enough that we can stay trust with]Thailand ]”, he said.

Mr Nakamura said he had pointed out that Asean is a unique local platform, made up of different social systems, cultures, norms, histories and religions, yet still remains united, bringing out special characteristics to make the region powerful.

He claimed that Vietnam is an essential part and one of the thickest Asean columns, while Indonesia is the largest Asean part in terms of size. However, Thailand is a longstanding base of Mekong Subregion, he added.

During the Asean mountain last month, strengthening Asean unity and solidarity was one of Japan’s techniques, he said.

” There are many international institutions, but in my sight, Asean is the most powerful one”, he said.

In the last 50 to 60 times, you have had success with for cooperation, with member states respecting one another and cooperating with one another despite the differences.

He urged Asean to stay together. Asean may be strong and united, he said, to enable the place to withstand outside forces.

Thailand’s cause

Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs suggested joining Brics to broaden its scope for involvement in foreign policy-making and strengthen its position as a chief among developing nations. The government recently approved Thailand’s document letter of intent.

Thailand’s efforts are highlighted in the review in ways that are in line with the rules of the Brics, quite as increasing the presence of developing nations in international relations and promoting internationalism.

Joining Brics, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had benefit Thailand by enhancing its standing on the global stage and boosting its chances of becoming an international financial policymaker.

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Nakamura: Unity code for Asean