Biden postmortem on Pelosi’s Taiwan trip

(Present: President May well Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Admin of State Antony Blinken, national safety adviser Jake Sullivan and White Home aide Tara Write)

Joe Biden : Let me bring this particular small meeting to order.   Many people are here.   And this is a new Whitened House aide, Tara Write, who will supply visuals if we need them.

The objective of this meeting is definitely … by gosh, what is the purpose of this meeting?  

(Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken raise their particular eyebrows, glance at one another. ) 

Nancy, what is the agenda?

Nancy Pelosi : It really is, it is … they have slipped my mind.

Jake Sullivan (eagerly raises his hand) : The purpose is to do a postmortem on Speaker Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan.

Pelosi (irritated) :   I knew that!    

(Mumbles under the girl breath) Smarty pants.

And for your information, the trip was a great success.    

I had the particular support of every Liberal in Congress – even the progressives. Ro Khanna tweeted assistance for the trip – and you can’t obtain much more progressive than that.    

And it is not the first time that I delivered this crowd.   Remember the $40 billion worth associated with military aid to Ukraine?   I acquired every Democrat in the home on board – once again including all the progressives, The Squad, Jayapal, Khanna, Bernie’s previous campaign manager – even Barbara Lee, a real icon.   And she even visited Ukraine with me to enhance our proxy battle – I mean, our stand for freedom and democracy.

Biden :   With all due regard, Nancy, that’s absolutely nothing to brag regarding.   They’re pushovers.   We obtained all the Dems in the Senate on that $40 billion with regard to war, er, I am talking about democracy.   Schumer says he didn’t have to lift a finger.   Bernie came running.   Another pushover – no spine, exactly like in 2016 plus 2020.

And Nancy, you must not be so fast to boast.   You had 57 Conservatives vote against that will $40 billion.   That’s a lot of congressional reps for the FBI to investigate. But don’t worry; we’re already on it.   And the 11 GOP senators who opposed it is also on our list.

Sullivan :   Friend, don’t you think we should evaluate the success from the trip?

It was a great success i believe and we have to provide you with credit for thinking it up.

The particular ploy of having Speaker Pelosi play the great cop and you the bad cop had been brilliant, sir.    

A person gave the Panda a good poke in the eye.

Biden :   Thanks, Mike.   You are just the kind of man who will be a secretary associated with state some day.

Pelosi :   Could we all get on to my trip to Taiwan, Puleeze?    

Tara Write (the aide):   May I place something on our displays?   There it is – and also forecasted on the big screen in front of us.   As you can see, it is a map of East Asia.

Let’s look southern and then north associated with Taiwan along the coastline of China.

Looking south associated with Taiwan we observe Southeast Asia, the house to the 10 countries of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations – almost 700 million people, roughly the people of the US and EU combined.   Brunei, Cambodia, Philippines, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.   We need all of them as allies for the proxy war against China in Taiwan.    

The day after Loudspeaker Pelosi landed, they issued a statement from the ASEAN International Ministers Meeting reiterating the particular one-China policy, an idea that we must stamp out,   and calling for peacefulness and stability.   That was before China’s response, so it is quite clear that the declaration was aimed at the particular Speaker’s visit. This is a setback for us.

The deputy EVENING of Singapore was quite blunt for the matter, saying on August 15 in response to a question concerning the Speaker’s visit:  

“We aren’t an ally to The united states – we carry out our own foreign plan based on our own vital and core passions in a principled manner. We have always upheld our one-China plan and we oppose Taiwanese independence. ” 

That seems to capture a lot of sentiment among ASEAN nations.

Next let’s look north of Taiwan.   We see three major nations, North Korea, Southern Korea and Japan.   We rely on South Korea and Japan to be our own allies against China in our proxy battle in Taiwan.  

The newly elected South Korean president refused to satisfy with Speaker Pelosi, as did the particular foreign minister. Then your following week exactly the same FM went on to meet with the Chinese FM in Qingdao.   Which is adding insult to insult to offend. This was followed on August 13 with a display of at least 10, 1000 in Seoul contacting for an end towards the US-South Korea military alliance and expulsion of US troops!  

Going further north we observe Japan – and here we to have the most reliable ally. But the new PM Kishida is not the hawk that the late EVENING Abe was.   And east associated with Japan is landmass Russia and instantly north of it will be Russia’s Sakhalin plus Kuril islands – and Russia features course an ally of China.  

In short, we don’t have a good situation within East Asia for the proxy war within Taiwan.   The East Asians aren’t the patsies the Europeans have ended up being with the Ukraine proxy.

And a sober analysis would say that Speaker Pelosi’s visit did not help the situation.   We seem like the troublemaker within East Asia.

Pelosi :   Who is this particular young woman?   She is speaking from turn.   The lady should stick to her maps and keep peaceful.    

Biden : Absolutely. Who employed this woman?

Sullivan : I cannot tell a lie.   Blinken did.

Antony Blinken :   That is a huge fat lie – Jake did.

Pelosi : Who cares?   This whole apologies episode was Joe’s idea and I was the one looking like the idiot.   I’ve been had.

(Storms out of the room. )

Biden : Jake plus Tony, we cannot ignore this.   Take care of it.   Tell the push to stop mentioning the particular Pelosi visit.

Blinken :   I have taken care of it, boss.   The NYT was already on it even before We called. They understand what is expected of these.

Biden : Good.   We don’t want this played up any more before Nov.

This meeting is over.