The pop- up in June marks  , Chick- fil- A’s primary standard foray into the Eastern market, so you can believe the hype and anticipation to be higher. As for, you’ll need to prior- register in order to get a chair at this roll- up.
Details regarding this registration procedure will be made public on the event’s Instagram page on Monday ( Jun 3 ).
At the music- up, you may nibble on , Chick- fil- A’s personal Original Chicken Sandwich which will be paired with the crispy , Waffle Potato Fries and a beverage. Please take note that the pop-up will only operate on all three times from 11am to 2pm and 3pm to 7pm.
In place of the food’s cost, Chick- chick- A is asking guests to contribute S$ 10 to the Community Chest. All funds will go toward helping those in need, and they will be matched dollar for dollar by Chick-fil-A. The pre-registration website for the pop-up will help you with this donation.
The roll- up is happening at 8 Raffles Avenue,# 01- 13C, The Esplanade Mall, Singapore 039802 from Jun 26 to 28. The event’s pre-registration begins on June 3.  ,