Cenergi SEA Berhad: Driving sustainable energy solutions in Southeast Asia

  • may be promoting sustainable solutions at future ISES.
  • Cenergi has secured a total of 65 green energyprojects, with 25 of them being new jobs.

Cenergi SEA Berhad: Driving sustainable energy solutions in Southeast Asia

Cenergi SEA Berhad: Driving sustainable energy solutions in Southeast AsiaCenergi SEA Berhad, a division of UEM Lestra Berhad, is a market leader in Southeast Asia for clean energy alternatives. We specialise in different renewable energy projects, including gas to electricity and bioCNG from palm oil mill waste, carbon pellets/briquettes from empty fruits number ( EFB), solar, energy reliability and small hydro jobs. Cenergi is poised to be at the vanguard of Malaysia’s clean energy environment with a total capacity of 143 MW from operating resources and initiatives in development.

The Approach and Vision of Cenergi SEA for Sustainable Energy

Cenergi’s presence at the 6th International Sustainable Energy Summit ( ISES ) 2024 aims to enhance our industry presence, foster collaborative efforts, and advance our mission of promoting sustainable energy solutions. Through communication, knowledge exchange, plan advocacy, investment exploration and CSR activities, we seek to consolidate our role as a key player in the transition towards a sustainable energy future in Southeast Asia.

The organization has secured 25 new renewable energy projects, which are already in various stages of development and pre-development. These jobs encompass a diverse collection of technology, including 16 Biogas Power Plants, 1 Big Scale Solar Farm, 1 Rooftop Solar setup, 4 Biomass Pellet/Briquette Plants, 2 Little Hydro Power Flowers, and 1 BioCNG Plant.

To complement the renewable energy business, Cenergi also participate&nbsp, in the selling and trading of renewable energy certificate ( REC ) and carbon credit. The company has been offering biogas and solar RECs, and to market technology-based carbon credits in the near future.

Innovation and Technology

Our sustainable energy projects are fueled by a variety of innovative technologies, which show how committed we are to reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency, and promoting the use of renewable energy sources. The various systems we use are briefly summarized in the following table.

Biogas Technology:

Cenergi is the largest developer, owner and operator of biogas power plants in Malaysia. Our biogas power plant in Jerantut, Pahang, recognized by the Malaysia Book of Records, is the biggest palm oil mill effluent ( POME) grid-connected biogas power plant in the country, with a capacity of 5.5 MW. We utilise anaerobic digestion to transform agricultural waste, POME, and other organic materials into biogas, which is then used to generate electricity.

Solar Photovoltaic ( PV ) Systems:

Cenergi is actively involved in the development and deployment of solar PV systems, ranging from large-scale solar farms to rooftop installations. The company utilizes advanced PV technology, including high-efficiency solar panels and smart inverters, to maximize energy output and system reliability.

Biomass Pellet:

Cenergi converts empty fruit bunches ( EFBs ), a significant byproduct of palm oil production, into pellets and briquettes. This process maximizes biomass resource, turning waste into&nbsp, valuable products. EFF pellets and briquettes are a renewable and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels because they release less greenhouse gases and pollutants than traditional fossil fuels.


In Sabah, Cenergi is working on its first bioCNG project, which converts POME biogas into compressed biomethane or bioCNG. The BioCNG produced would be a direct substitute for natural gas as a fuel source because it would have similar characteristics to fossil fuel-based natural gas.

Small Hydro:

Cenergi also makes small-scale hydropower investments using the “run-of-river” idea. Small hydropower contributes significantly to the achievement of the National Energy Transition Roadmap ( NETR )’s renewable energy targets, which are crucial for long-term decarbonization scenarios.

Environmental and Social Impact

The ecosystem projects led by Cenergi have had significant effects on both the environment and the local communities. For example, the implementation of enclosed anaerobic treatment systems for biogas-to-electricity projects has effectively avoided methane emissions, mitigated odor, and improved water quality. These initiatives have also helped to boost the local economy by generating income through the sale of carbon credits and by fostering job opportunities and skill development for local communities.

Adoption Challenges and Policy Recommendations

High initial capital costs, grid integration and infrastructure challenges, regulatory and policy barriers, and technological limitations are the main obstacles that the industry faces as it strives to become more popular for renewable energy projects. To address these challenges, effective policies such as feed-in tariffs ( FiTs ), power purchase agreements ( PPAs ), and net energy metering ( NEM) have proven successful in promoting renewable energy adoption. To increase solar energy systems ‘ overall performance, lower costs, and maintain research and development in solar and battery storage technology is necessary.

Cenergi SEA Berhad remains committed to driving sustainable energy solutions in Southeast Asia through innovative technologies, strategic partnerships, and policy advocacy. By addressing the environmental, economic, and social aspects of renewable energy projects, the company aims to contribute to a cleaner and greener future for the region.

The 6th International Sustainable Energy Summit ( ISES ) 2024, a key event for sustainable energy dialogue and innovation, is set to take place on August 20-21, 2024, at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). The summit will be officiated by Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Dato ‘ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who will be serving as the country’s ambassador to the Sustainable Energy Development Authority ( SEDA ) Malaysia. The event, which has the theme” Accelerating Energy Transition Through Innovation,” reflects Malaysia’s commitment to leading the ASEAN region in the global energy transition through novel approaches and technologies.

The summit will have a crucial role in supporting Malaysia’s ambitious goal of achieving a 70 % renewable energy mix in power generation by 2050, as well as achieving carbon neutrality by the same year. Attendees can expect a series of Plenary Sessions and Deep Dive Workshops led by prominent energy experts and leaders, covering topics such as green mobility, grid modernization, and the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance ( ESG) principles into investment and financing strategies. Visit ises. org. my for more information.

Cenergi SEA Berhad’s CEO is Hairol Azizi Tajudin.