Terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah’s top leaders say it is dissolved. How should its ex-members, the Indonesian authorities move forward?


Even if JI is no longer active, the government may still be on the lookout for fragment teams acting on their own accord, according to authorities.

” These splinters carry out (terror ) acts on their own. Dr. Noor Huda noted that the Bali attack was carried out without the consent of popular JI members.

He said that these splinters organizations that reject state integration should be closely monitored. According to his conversations with JI individuals, Dr. Noor Huda claimed that Indonesia has thousands of members. &nbsp,

” There will surely get resistance by the shrapnel. This dissolution is just the beginning, do n’t be too hasty to close the story of JI”, he said.

Agreeing, Mr. Adhe Bhakti, a violence observer from the PAKAR, questioned whether the people of the JI officials did take their decisions into account.

” The possibility of the lower- struck people &nbsp, to proceed on their own, against the choice of the JI best brass, is quite high”, Mr Adhe said.

” Although in the short term we wo n’t encounter threats from JI, in the long term, JI still has the potential to cause security disturbances”.

Mr Harits, but, believes the impact of those who are dissatisfied with the older members ‘ selection is limited, as will be their weight.

” Those who announced the JI’s dissolution are the top leaders, and the loyalty ( they command ) is still quite strong. There could be one or two individuals who oppose these leaders ‘ selection, but they will not have electricity and influence”, he said.

Past JI part and son of Abu Bakar Abdul Rahim Bashir, Mr. Bashir, hopes the dissolution will sway JI sympathisers and persuade them to abandon extremist beliefs. &nbsp,

” This is a good moment to ( wake up ) those ( JI sympathisers ) who are moving underground”, Mr Abdul Rahim told CNA.

He hoped that since the organization’s breakdown, officials may no longer detain those suspected of having JI connections. He claimed that this had been troubling because he had argued that there was no evidence that some of them had carried out terrorist functions.

Since JI no longer exists or has been disbanded, Abdul Rahim, who has been linked to Al Qaeda since 2011, said he “hopefully” there wo n’t be any more arbitrary arrests after this because, according to the UN Security Council, “JI no longer exists or has been disbanded.” &nbsp,

Mr Harits shared the same attitude. This is because, according to him, the judge’s classification of JI as a prohibited organization will no longer be applicable.

“JI has been the symbol of evil in Indonesia so far,” said JI. However, just like the Islamic State ( IS), JI, and other forms of terrorism have all faded away. Indonesia may provide a new time in the battle of terror”, he said.