Singapore completes first underground service reservoir, located underneath public park in Bidadari

SINGAPORE: &nbsp, Full beneath a garden in Bidadari lie two large chambers with dark concrete walls, each attainable by a flight of steps.

The mini vaults, which have a maximum degree of 6. 5 meters, are connected to a nearby room filled with pipes and bolts that supply the whole property with potable water.

It was the first Singaporean underwater company reservoir, which was constructed earlier this year. When CNA arrived on Jun 14, one of the tanks was empty, but the service will be ready to offer 8,800 Bidadari residents by the fourth quarter of this year.

The facility, which is located directly beneath a public garden in the new house, on the site of the former Mount Vernon Columbarium, has two water tank that can store the combined equivalent of three Olympic-sized snorkeling pools of drinkable water.

At the start of this year’s Singapore International Water Week and CleanEnviro Summit Singapore, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, Grace Fu made the announcement on Wednesday ( Jun 19 ).

More than 20 000 people are expected to attend the situations, which are scheduled to take place worldwide.

In her opening statement, Ms Fu said Singapore has invested strongly in the development of ditches, drains, and reservoirs to maintain stormwater runoff properly.

” Where possible, we incorporate them into our industrial environment so that they can double as locations for both practical and recreational reasons,” she said.

She noted that Bidadari Park and the country’s earliest low-lying underwater company tank will be integrated to optimize property use.

The secretary said,” It will help protect the water source to meet the liquid need of present and future Bidadari residents.”