Things I would tell my younger self: Singapore’s king of swing Jeremy Monteiro

Up then, Jeremy was producing tunes for businesses, ranging from Kentucky Fried Chicken to blister product manufacturers. Additionally, he wrote and performed the music for National Day, including We Are Singapore and Count On Me Singapore. Additionally, he regularly performed music and song on his own.

Unsurprisingly, his routine extended way beyond a common nine- to- five.

Jeremy described how he would get his morning paperwork ready for the day recording session at his workshop. &nbsp,

” I would then run back, have a quick breakfast with my family, touch my son on his nose, rush off to my music concert, perform from 9pm until evening, and then go back to my workshop to mix the song I recorded in the evening.

” I was merely burning the candle at both ends, “he said.

Jeremy just came to an abrupt end to his jam-packed plan when he collapsed on stage after having from a filthy glass during the break of his show.

He claimed that the physician had given him “zero immunity” because he had exhausted himself. &nbsp,

” I may get really tired from something, perhaps a cup that was not washed correctly, “he said, adding that he was hospitalised for a year.

Since then, I’ve made a promise to myself that whenever I see the yellow lamps of pushing myself too hard, I’ll just back off, sometimes to my colleagues ‘ shock and anger. ” &nbsp,


Jeremy has conducted hundreds of interviews throughout his career, and he is no man to the internet. Notably, he constantly emphasises one place: There is a distinction between our job and work.

While our work is something we do to pay the bills, our labor is our life goal, he explained.