Child Protective Service cannot exercise its powers based on school absence alone: MSF

He added that CPS balances multiple conflicting interests and will only remove a child if it is not possible to keep the child safe within the family.

“The nature of child abuse is that it is often not easy to detect. The professionals in CPS and the social service agencies work hard to intervene to prevent further harm, and the fate of every single life matters,” he said.

“Despite their efforts and that of others at the various touch points that children come into contact with, however, it is not possible to expect that every single case will be detected.”


Mr Chua declined to comment on specific details of the case of the 11-year-old girl because investigations are ongoing, but asked members of the House to support the work of CPS and encourage Singapore residents to attend domestic violence awareness training.

“Through this, members of the public are educated on potential signs of child abuse or neglect. Everyone can benefit from such knowledge, whether as a neighbour, a community volunteer or a grassroots leader,” he said.

Children are also educated on abuse in an age-appropriate manner, Mr Chua said. Those in preschool are taught to talk about their feelings and seek help from trusted adults when they feel unsafe or hurt.

Minister of State for Education Gan Siow Huang said students learn about personal safety and how to protect themselves from abuse and are provided with resources and community helplines.

“Schools have also instituted peer support structures where students are taught to look out for one another and to inform trusted adults when they observe that their peers are under distress,” she said.

MSF also launched a text-based channel on its website last year as another mode for reporting violence.

“We find that youngsters nowadays, they would very much prefer the … online textual, anonymous kind of platform that allows them to bring to attention some of the plight and situations they are in,” Mr Chua said.