Commentary: What would it take for Singapore to grow the next Creative Technology?

Since its inception in 2016, IMDA’s Tech Skills Accelerator has trained and placed more than 13,000 individuals into tech jobs. Another 180,000 have been trained in tech skills in emerging areas such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and data analytics.

Through such industry programmes, more Singapore companies will be able to play their part in broadening access to tech career opportunities for more non-technically trained local workers.


Workers in Singapore often face a conundrum: They recognise the need to invest in upskilling to stay employable in the digital economy, but are reluctant to do so when it is at the expense of obligations like supporting the family or paying off student loans.

It was therefore heartening to see new  measures targeting workers, like refreshed SkillsFuture courses which provide financial support for individuals undergoing tech skills conversion. This also encourages more companies to upskill their workers and prepare them for new digital careers befitting their upgraded aptitudes.

At the same time, the Job-Skills Integrators that will soon be appointed by the Government will play a vital role in helping companies and employees identify relevant training courses and optimise training and job placements. This will translate into better employment outcomes and income prospects.

Budget 2023 measures now offer business leaders with the needed impetus to unlock value from their greatest asset: Human capital. With a digitally skilled workforce, the right mindset and an enabling tech ecosystem, more local companies will stand on the shoulders of giants like Creative.

Srijay Ghosh is the Founding Member and Chief Revenue Officer at Temus, a digital transformation services company established by Temasek and global digital services firm UST.