1 in 3 online customers opt for reusable packaging; retailers find option convenient: WWF-Singapore study

“I think legislation would definitely help to encourage the adoption of reusable packaging,” said Mr Terry Peh, CEO and founder of online pet store Good Dog People, one of the participating retailers.

“So with that, I also hope that there will be some support for the businesses, because we all have very competing priorities. Some sort of support will definitely help us relieve that operational pressure.” 

Mr Rajbir Chopra, sales director at Sports Fashion, which also participated in the pilot programme, told CNA938 it is “a shared responsibility at the end of the day”. 

While Singaporeans want to play their part, he highlighted various challenges, including how to protect the products without them getting damaged during delivery. 

Addressing cost concerns, he added: “If logistics companies increase the number of return points, we’ll see higher return rates. We can also incentivise the consumers for returning the packaging, like a return voucher. 

“Over time, if we educate the consumers that this is better for the entire ecosystem or our sustainability, I’m sure that costs can be reduced significantly.”